Member Discounts

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Astronz is a registered charity owned by the Auckland Astronomical Society which has been importing and selling astronomical equipment since 2000. Their mission is to promote astronomy in New Zealand by providing quality equipment at a reasonable price.  Astronz are unique as they reinvest everything they earn back into astronomy and science education throughout New Zealand.

When WAS members purchase from ASTRONZ using the link the society then gets a 5% referral fee. Alternatively, you can enter AS-WAS in the ‘Gift card or discount code’ box.

Note the there is no discount to the purchaser, but if you spend more than $500 with Astronz let us know and we will give you a year’s membership to WAS.

Astronz Binoculars for Sale

WAS periodically orders Astronz 10×50 binoculars in bulk and sells them at a reduced price to members. Perfect for astronomers, they are great for easily navigating your way around the night sky and you may be surprised how much you can see through them. Please email us at if you would like to buy a pair.

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