Council Members
The following members were elected to Council at the Nov 2024 AGM
President: Anne French
Email: president@was.org.nz
Vice President: Position currently vacant
Email: vice-president@was.org.nz
Secretary: Adam Rosner
Email: secretary@was.org.nz
Treasurer: Michael Papesch
Email: treasurer@was.org.nz
Membership Secretary: Murray Forbes
Email: membership@was.org.nz
Newsletter Editor: Anne French
Email: editor@was.org.nz
Website: Peter Woods
Email: webmaster@was.org.nz
Curator of Instruments: Matt Balkam
Email: mbalkham@gmail.com
Events: Antony Gomez, & Jeremy Robertson
Email: events@was.org.nz
Phone: 021 253 4979
Council Members:
Susanne Krejcek
Stephen McArthur
Postal Address:
Wellington Astronomical Society,
PO Box 3181,
Wellington 6140,
New Zealand
If you want to pay your subs using Direct Deposit or Internet Banking: please use acct no 03-0502-0508656-00. Remember to use your name or phone number as reference with your direct deposit, so WAS knows who’s paid. And of course, we are happy to accept money at the monthly meeting.